Blood and Bone Marrow


Blood is and has always been a symbol of life. Donating blood is the biggest proof of human solidarity and love. In many cases when human health is at stake it is the last resort. At one time, 450 ml of blood is drawn into a collection bag with a preservative fluid. It takes about 5-10 minutes. Despite a tremendous progress of medicine, to date it has not been possible to produce a substance which could fully replace human blood. When it is needed, one can only rely on donors who altruistically and voluntarily want to donate it. There is no doubt that Honorary Blood Donors are those who should be admired, supported and followed. We should remember that one day each of use may need blood and/or its components and therefore it is worth joining to this honourable group of Honorary Blood Donors.


Regional Centre for Blood and Haematology in Katowice provides 167 hospitals and clinics of the Silesian Province with blood and its components. Every day we deliver 200-250 litres of this precious medicine to hospital blood banks. To make sure that there is always enough blood, 500 people should come forward and donate blood every day.


  • fell healthy,
  • weigh no less than 50 kg,
  • are between 18-65 years of age,
  • are ready to save somebody’s life



  • when you come to donate blood you should be healthy, relaxed and after a light meal,
  • during the day preceding blood donation, drink about 2 litres of fluid,
  • do not smoke and drink alcohol,

you must have you ID card or another document confirming your identity ( with your photo).